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CIROH Re­search Portal

CIROH Re­search Portal

The CIROH Research Portal, developed in collaboration with NOAA, provides tools aimed at advancing water forecasting, hydrologic modeling, and water quality analysis.

CIROH en­hances U.S. hy­dro­lo­gic­al fore­cast­ing in col­lab­or­a­tion with NOAA, fo­cus­ing on wa­ter events and qual­ity through a con­sor­ti­um of di­verse in­sti­tu­tions. Ex­plore this portal for re­search pub­lic­a­tions, ap­plic­a­tions, and data­sets from the NOAA and CIROH com­munity of sci­ent­ists.

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Empower Your Projects with Collaborative Web Applications

Leverage innovative web apps built in partnership with NOAA’s hydrologic research. Enhance water resource management, forecasting, and analysis through interactive tools—ensuring broad accessibility and real-time insights.

CIROH Interface


A carefully curated central repository providing in-depth technical insights into CIROH's projects, services, and documentation

CIROH Interface

Streamlined Hydrological Datasets

Access curated datasets from CIROH and NOAA, offering timely and historical water-related data. From river flows to atmospheric conditions, these resources support advanced modeling, forecasting, and decision-making.

CIROH Interface

Research & Publications: A Knowledge Hub

Discover groundbreaking studies, peer-reviewed papers, and technical reports authored by CIROH and NOAA experts. Dive into cutting-edge research on hydrological forecasting, water quality, and the impacts of a changing climate.

CIROH Interface

Enhance Your Expertise with Learning Modules

Explore open courses and self-paced modules designed to foster deeper understanding of critical hydrological concepts. Created by CIROH in collaboration with NOAA, these resources cater to both novice learners and seasoned professionals.

CIROH Interface