This feature helps with browsing for a resource that is already present in the HydroShare database. The option works very smoothly. This feature is brought about by the python API of HydroShare and what goes into the process is that we fetch for the resources in the HydroShare database using the fetch files button and then we can view them by just typing the subject with closest relevance to the resource that we are searching for. Finding a resource is one of the most useful features of this app.
Finding a resource is one of the most useful features of this app and there are many parameters that could be used to find a resource but this feature in the app is brought out by using the subject parameter.
To try this on your own, you can use the code snippet below, or download the full javascript file that is used in this demonstration.
from hs_restclient import HydroShare, HydroShareAuthBasic
auth = HydroShareAuthBasic(username='username', password='password')
hs = HydroShare(auth=auth)
result = hs.resources(subject=viewr)
resourceList = []
for resource in result:
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(resourceList))