The purpose of this app is to provide the user with a visualization
of data on different snow parameters such as snow coverage, mass,
and its water equivalent anywhere in the world. This data is useful
in reducing uncertainty in flooding and weather predictions.
1. Select time period
Choose the date and the length of the time period in days.
2. Select layer
Choose the snow parameter to acquire data for.
3. Select point of interest
Click the map or enter coordinates to select the point of
4. Get time series
Click the "Retrieve Snow Data" button to show a time-series graph.
5. Download Results
Click the "Get WaterML" to save results as a WaterML file.
6. Upload to HydroShare
Click the "Upload to HydroShare" and fill out the metadata form.
Refer to the following video for more detailed instructions:
Kadlec, Jiří, A. Woodruff Miller, and Daniel P. Ames. "Extracting
snow cover time series data from open access web mapping tile
JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association
52, no. 4 (2016): 916-932.